A propos de est une plateforme interconnectée pour écrire et publier sur le Net et le fédivers, grâce WriteFreely et ActivityPub. Vous pouvez écrire en français ou en anglais. Nous n'acceptons pas de contenu à caractère publicitaire et nous retirerons tout contenu de cette nature. is a blog platform to write and publish over the Internet and fediverse thanks to WriteFreely and ActivityPub. You can write in French or in English. We don't accept advertisement and will cancel any content of this nature. is home to 19 articles across 3 blogs.

About WriteFreely

WriteFreely is a self-hosted, decentralized blogging platform for publishing beautiful, simple blogs.

It lets you publish a single blog, or host a community of writers who can create multiple blogs under one account. You can also enable federation, which allows people in the fediverse to follow your blog, bookmark your posts, and share them with others.